Zimmer mit Familienanschluß

KeikoDas ist doch mal ein Angebot:

Wer demnächst in Tokyo ist und zufällig ein unter 35 Jahre alter, nett aussehender, weißer Mann ist, der kann sich vielleicht die Hotelkosten sparen:

Hello my name is Keiko and I live in Tokyo in Japan. I have a nice apartment in Ochanomizu and you are welcome to stay with me if you are UNDER 35 and YOU ARE NICE LOOKING and YOU ARE WHITE. You can save your hotel cost (a lot in Tokyo!) and we can have fun! – but ONLY if you are a white guy. I do not want asian men, sorry.

What do you get?
You can stay at my apartment – very nice – it will be living at home for you, only I may be your girlfriend. hehe. I have a nice bed what is very comfortable – and I also have TV (cable ) you can watch English language TV.

What do I get??
I can have some fun sex with Europen, and American guys… what I love – they are very sexy and yummy! – Japanese men are pigs. Also, I want to practise my English with you, please.

Na, alle Frauen aufgepasst? Wir sind „very sexy und yummy“! 😉