Menschen auf dem Weg zum Mars

Menschen machen doch alles viel komplizierter. Webseiten würden ohne User viel besser funktionieren, sie bauen Unfälle, und jetzt das:

NASA rethinking death in mission to Mars

How do you get rid of the body of a dead astronaut on a three-year mission to Mars and back?

When should the plug be pulled on a critically ill astronaut who is using up precious oxygen and endangering the rest of the crew? Should NASA employ DNA testing to weed out astronauts who might get a disease on a long flight?

Jetzt besteht sogar die Möglichkeit, dass sie auf dem Weg zum Mars krank werden oder sogar sterben. Und selbst wenn sie das nicht tun…

One topic that is evidently too hot to handle: How do you cope with sexual desire among healthy young men and women during a mission years long?

Sex is not mentioned in the document and has long been almost a taboo topic at NASA. Williams said the question of sex in space is not a matter of crew health but a behavioral issue that will have to be taken up by others at NASA.

The agency will have to address the matter sooner or later, said Paul Root Wolpe, a bioethicist at the University of Pennsylvania who has advised NASA since 2001.

„There is a decision that is going to have to be made about mixed-sex crews, and there is going to be a lot of debate about it,“ he said.

Hach ja, die Menschen machen’s einem schon nicht einfach…