Paris Hilton: Hosen tragen nur normale Menschen

Paris Hilton ohne Hose

Schon schlimm… Kaum gehört man zur High Society, schon kann man nicht mal mehr auf einer Party seine rosa Unterwäsche zeigen, ohne daß die ganze Welt drüber bescheid weiß…

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As you can see in these pictures, Paris Hilton literally “danced her pants off” over the weekend. I guess rich socialites can’t be bothered with petty civilian inconveniences like “not being a whore” or “wearing pants” or “basic math skills.” Her pants may have simply committed hara-kiri, just to escape the indignanty of being the fabric that protects the rest of the world from her cooter. I bet the panties would have offed themselves, too, if they weren’t already dead inside and too emotionally scarred to even try to escape.

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