People Stop Having Sex

Wo wir gerade beim Thema sind: TLA Entertainment wird beim Vertrieb des Spiels Spend the Night mit Republik Games zusammenarbeiten.

In the game, players find compatible matches via a built-in network of other Spend the Night users, and then play cooperative „virtual dates“.

Endlich muß man nie wieder die eigenen vier Wände verlassen… Wie schon auf der Webseite des Spiels zu lesen ist:

At Spend the Night you can get dressed to the nines then head out on a fantasy date — all without leaving your house!

Auch ein Weg, die Überbevölkerung zu bekämpfen 😉 Warum fühle ich mich nur an das Lied People Are Still Having Sex und seinen Text erinnert? *g*

Foren abgemahnt – Bezug auf Heise-Urteil (Update)

Wie war das doch gleich im Fall Heise vs. Dolzer?

Keineswegs hat das oben genannte Urteil grundsätzliche Auswirkungen auf Webforen – im Gegenteil – das Landgericht hat in der mündlichen Verhandlung mehrfach betont, dass es sich – nur – auf den konkreten Fall beziehe – und sich zu rechtswidrigen Meinungsäußerungen in (allgemeinen) Webforen – keine – Gedanken machen werde.

Ein Anwalt aus Frankfurt versucht’s trotzdem: Die Foren Supernature und CineFacts wurden unter Berufung auf das Heise-Urteil abgemahnt und aufgefordert, eine strafbewährte Unterlassungserklärung zu unterschreiben.

(via Golem)

[Update vom 9.3.2006]
Laut Golem hat der Abmahner seine Beschwerde zurückgezogen.


Wer auch immer Schlagsahne und/oder Butter erfunden hat, muß – in Anbetracht der Tatsache, daß das zu einer Zeit geschehen ist, in der es keine elektischen Rührgeräte hab – ein ernsthaftes psychisches Problem gehabt haben… Wer sonst kommt auf die Idee, fetthaltige Milch so lange umzurühren, bis sie ihre Form ändert?


40 Funny Reasons Why It’s Wonderful To Be A Woman

1. When a ship sinks, women (and children) get off first.

2. A woman can hug her best friend without worrying she’ll think she’s gay.

3. Women can talk to attractive members of the opposite sex without having to picture them naked.

4. A woman can never be blamed if it’s wet on the floor around the toilet bowl.

5. If a woman cheats on her spouse everyone will assume it’s because she was being emotionally neglected.

6. Women are capable of doing at least two different things to a passable standard at the same time.

7. Women live longer than men.

8. Women know how to cover up spots and other facial blemishes.

9. If a woman inexplicably disappears for two weeks, one of her friends will notice.

10. Women mature earlier than men (some men never mature at all).

11. There are times when chocolate is really the answer to all woman’s problems.

12. Women don’t feel uncomfortable with gay waiters or hairdressers.

13. A woman can fully assess a person just by looking at their shoes.

14. Women know the truth about whether size matters…

15. A woman can take a drive without trying to beat her best time.

16. If a woman forgets to shave, no-one has to know.

17. Women are capable of going longer than five minutes without thinking about either sex or football.

18. Women never lust after a cartoon character or the central figure in a computer game.

19. Women can be groupies. Male groupies are stalkers.

20. Women can cry and get off a speeding ticket.

21. A woman can get a whole new lease on life just by changing her lipstick.

22. A woman can congratulate her team-mate without ever touching her rear.

23. Women don’t have to worry about catching anything important in their zipper.

24. If a woman says something stupid, most men will just think she’s cute.

25. Women can admit to others when they’ve made a mistake

26. If a woman cries, she’s sensitive; if a man cries, he’s a wimp.

27. Women know who their children are without having a DNA test.

28. It’s cool to be a daddy’s girl. It’s sad to be a mummy’s boy.

29. Women can wear platforms – which is why there is no such thing as a short woman’s complex.

30. Women can watch one TV channel at a time without getting bored.

31. Women have total control over their eyebrows.

32. Women can get drunk quicker and cheaper than men.

33. A woman’s friend won’t try to persuade her to get a tattoo while she’s drunk.

34. A woman won’t drive to Hell and back before she asks for directions.

35. Women aren’t covered with hair like shag carpeting.

36. Woman don’t feel threatened if their partner earns more than they do.

37. For women, a new season means a whole new wardrobe.

38. Women know exactly what buttons to push to get exactly what they want.

39. Women don’t think reading the manual is a betrayal of all their species stands for.

40. Women can keep pot plants alive for more than a week.

Gefunden bei Dave’s Daily.

Quergelesen 2006-02-28



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